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Meet Nahjee Grant
Children's Author,
Educator, Speaker, and


Nahjee Grant is an educator, entrepreneur, designer, and humanitarian whose work has expanded across the country. Nahjee has over 10 years of experience in the field of community organizing, business development, motivational speaking, and nonprofit campaigns providing an array of services to members of all ages.


Over the years Nahjee has partnered with School Districts, businesses, and nonprofits in the areas of food security, educational resources, and staff and student empowerment. Nahjee is the author or publisher of over 20 books, and the founder of World Was Made For You Inc. a children's nonprofit located on the Main Line.


The one thing that drives Nahjee Grant is to be able to give back to his community. A renowned, 20x published author/publisher, and the founder of multiple organizations, Nahjee strives to do more, each day.  He is an award-winning philanthropist, motivational speaker, published  author, and celebrated storyteller who has shared his amazing life story, books he’s  authored, and educational initiatives with full-capacity rooms with people of all ages. His journey to becoming an author and award-winning philanthropist is an inspiring one  that is a testament to hard work, faith, and perseverance


Nahjee discovered his passion for writing in 2007 during a short story writing course at his high school - the same high school where he repeated 9th grade! Ever since he has written and published 20 books for children of color to sensitize them on issues about the community in an engaging manner!

In addition to being a celebrated author, Nahjee Grant has founded Aces Global Enterprises LLC, and World Was Made For You, and DayDream Kreative Studios. He has also served on a plethora of community based committees.

An avid organizer of successful community events like the famous ‘Record Breaking Backpack Drive’, Nahjee is also the recipient of Main Line Today Magazine Top Philanthropist Award.


  • Nonprofit Highlights
    75,000 school supplies donated
    600,000 books donated

       1,500 dinners donated

       5,000 clothes donated

  • Author Highlights
    20 storybooks published

  • Business Highlights
    Opened Two retail locations in his hometown

  • Community Service Highlights

    Judge of Elections

    Ardmore-Haverford Advisory Board

    Lower Merion Human Relations Commission

  • Award Highlights

  • Ardmore Initiative “Shining Star” Award
    Main Line Today Magazine Top Philanthropist

  • Two books adapted to plays
    “Aron Runs for Class President,” &  
    “Where Did My Dream Go?”

Experience Translated to True Leadership



Women's Health
As Executive Director of a documentary about breast cancer will provide a powerful platform to highlight the challenges women face regarding their health, fostering empathy and understanding among politicians and the public. I will emphasize the importance of policies supporting early detection, affordable healthcare, and research funding, ultimately advocating for legislative action that positively impacts women's health initiatives. The personal stories and experiences portrayed in the film will serve as a catalyst for political discourse, urging policymakers to prioritize and address issues related to women's health.

Unity and Collaboration
My children's book on spreading kindness offers valuable insights into fostering positive interactions, empathy, and understanding among individuals. It will serve as a guide for navigating various relationships, including in politics, where dealing with others in a positive manner is crucial. The principles of kindness, compassion, and respect advocated in my book can be applied to engage with diverse perspectives, build bridges, and promote constructive dialogue in political settings. Emphasizing the importance of empathy, active listening, and collaborative problem-solving, my book's message can inspire politicians to approach policy making with a focus on unity, cooperation, and the well-being of society as a whole.

Police-Community Relations
My book on police and community relations delves into crucial aspects of fostering trust, communication, and cooperation between law enforcement and the public. This experience can offer valuable insights into dealing with public safety and others in a positive way. By emphasizing the importance of building bridges, mutual respect, and understanding between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve, my book can serve as a blueprint for promoting safer and more cohesive neighborhoods.

Public Safety:
The principles outlined in my book, such as community engagement, transparency, and accountability, can be applied to enhance public safety initiatives. Encouraging collaboration between authorities and community members, fostering dialogue, and implementing policies that prioritize both safety and community needs can significantly improve relationships and ensure a more positive and effective approach to public safety efforts.

Our Wealth Strategies and Crime prevention Initiative would provide multiple levels of interventions which address root causes of gun violence. to provide academic support alongside self-advocacy, organizational, and self-determination skills to develop leaders in and out of the classroom, break generational poverty, and reduce violence and crime.

We will organize a synchronous educational experience for both the parents/guardians to develop actionable plans for building wealth and empower their children to aspire and achieve academically and as community leaders. Through empowerment and information, we'll focus on individual growth mindset. The Wealth Strategies and Crime Prevention Initiative will complement our storybook based Cool Smart Kid curriculum in developing self-directed leaders.

Inspiring children through Policy:
My book on innovation and child exploration highlights the importance of nurturing curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking in children. This experience can provide valuable insights into inspiring children positively within policy settings.

In dealing with policy that involves children, my book's principles can be instrumental. It can advocate for educational policies that emphasize hands-on learning, encourage experimentation, and promote an environment that fosters creativity and innovation in young minds. This might involve proposing curriculum changes that prioritize project-based learning, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) education, or programs that encourage entrepreneurial thinking among children.

Additionally, my book could influence policies related to child development, advocating for initiatives that support extracurricular activities, access to resources for exploration, and the integration of innovative approaches in early childhood education. Encouraging policymakers to invest in programs that cultivate curiosity, resilience, and adaptability in children can significantly impact their growth and future success.

My experience in publishing a children's book featuring a character with a disability offers valuable insights into advocating for policies that support individuals with disabilities in various spheres of life.

My book focuses on fostering inclusivity, empathy, and understanding of disabilities among children. This experience can be translated into policy advocacy by highlighting the importance of inclusive education, accessibility, and equal opportunities for people with disabilities. It can encourage policymakers to create and implement laws and regulations that promote accessibility in public spaces, transportation, education, and employment.

My children's book about a young child overcoming a battle with cancer can offer powerful insights into the challenges and resilience of individuals facing health crises. While the  book focuses on a child's journey, its themes of resilience, empathy, and the impact of illness can be translated into advocacy for policies addressing women's health and those affected by diseases like cancer.

My experience can serve as a compelling narrative to underscore the importance of healthcare policies that prioritize early detection, affordable treatments, and support systems for individuals, especially women, battling cancer. It can influence political discussions by highlighting the need for increased funding for cancer research, access to quality healthcare services, and initiatives supporting patients and their families through the difficulties of diagnosis and treatment.

My experience as a small business owner and community center founder uniquely positions me to advocate for policies that support entrepreneurship and foster a conducive environment for small businesses to thrive. My proposed small business building program can significantly contribute to encouraging and supporting individuals in starting their own businesses, thereby enhancing local economies and communities.

Community Centric Philanthropy:

My philanthropic work, particularly in funding and distributing resources like books, food, clothing, and libraries, provides valuable insight into the needs of underserved communities. This experience will  be translated into advocating for policies that address systemic issues and advocating for community wealth-building programs to foster long-term solutions.

Community Wealth Building:
Supporting lower-income neighbors by investing in community development projects, such as affordable housing initiatives or community centers that provide essential services. Offering scholarships or funding educational programs can enhance access to education for lower-income individuals. Moreover, establishing job training programs, offering microloans for small businesses, or creating mentorship opportunities can empower individuals economically. Philanthropic efforts to support healthcare clinics, food banks, or initiatives tackling social issues will also make a significant impact in improving the quality of life for lower-income communities. Working collaboratively with local organizations and leaders will ensure that efforts align with the specific needs of the community.

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